Wood To Gas Conversion
Converting your wood-burning fireplace to a more efficient gas fireplace or insert will improve performance and safety.
Add A New Fireplace
Let us help you add an additional fire feature to another room – inside or outside – or add one to a blank wall in almost any room in your home.
Replace Your Fireplace
Giving your fireplace a makeover can give your living space an updated look, improve efficiency and add convenience with smart technology.
New Construction
During design plans or while your new house is being built, we can help you add a new fire feature that will fully complete your new space.
Looking To Add New Gas Logs?
Send us measurements, photos, or bring them with you to our showroom.
About Us

Churchill’s Fireside & Patio Furnishings was first established in 1988. We dedicate ourselves to providing the greater Austin area with outstanding customer service, genuinely valuing everyone who walks through the doors.